

Every two years, alternating from each side of the Atlantic to the other, an International “Rendez-vous” brings together members of the IF and the School around a theme set at the previous” Rendez-vous”.

Prior to each “Rendez-vous”, preparatory work is distributed to the members’ mailing list and posted on the website. The contributions presented during the “Rendez-vous” are published electronically in the journal Hétérité.

Each meeting is an opportunity to convene the assemblies of the IF and the School with the purpose of adjusting the direction and functioning based on the experience gained and the change of situations.


1st may


Neither one nor the other, and a fortiori not the one with children in institutions, deviates from the singularity of the Analytical Discourse but all these practices present particularities which relate as much to the device as to a more complex relationship to the transfer . On the other hand, the clinic encountered is often particular with numerous cases of psychoses, autism, addictions, family pathologies complicated by social pathologies. The clinical experience of colleagues who work with the REP, RIP, RHIPNA, REPSY networks, can enlighten us on the ethical conditions of these particular clinics supported by the decided desire of clinicians, in particular those who maintain the analytical experience in places who do not support it, or even fight it.


COORDINATOR : Stella Casanova (Panama – RHIPNA Member)
RHIPNA- Barcelona
Pau Borrat (Spain) : Aspirated in the Mirror”
RHIPNA – North Latin America Zone
María de los Ángeles Gómez Escudero (Puerto Rico) : Forbidden games: some notes on the body and phobias after the pandemic
RHIPNA – South Latin America Zone
María Verónica Lobos (Argentina) : Storm of affection: a child’s phobia
RHIPNA – Madrid. Aula Abierta
Francisco José Santos Garrido (Spain) : Anguish and the fact of inhabiting language

10:00-10:15 > BREAK

Martine Menès (France) : Coordinator REP
Jean-Pierre Drapier (France) : Coordinator RIP

Claire Duguet (France) A workshop for autistic people in an institution, what place for psychoanalysis?
Consuelo Pereira de Almeida (Brazil) Psychoanalysis with children and in institutions. How can we make anxiety speak when its object is the body itself?
Giulio Artizzu (Italy) Transfers and institutions: so as not to shrink from the disappearance of psychosis.

Elisabeth Léturgie (France) : The anxiety that (is) hidden
Laurence Martin (France) : Sunday evening anxiety

13h30-16h30 : Symposium of the pass

(Participants : the members of the last two CIG attend, passeurs who have served in that period and the corresponding pass secretariats)

16h30-18h30 : International Laboratory of the Politics of Psychoanalysis (LIPP)

Among the urgencies of our time, the greatest urgency for us today: the survival of psychoanalysis. In one way or another, all participants of the LIPP, gathered in cartels, have different perspectives on this issue.

Attempting to address the politics of our School has, on the one hand, led us to return to the fundamental questions of psychoanalysis that form the politics of psychoanalysis, not to be confused with realpolitik, since “the unconscious is politics”: the intimate relationship between clinic and politics, the confusion between extension and expansion, the politics of the act, the impossibility of transmission of psychoanalysis, etc.

On the other hand, it has also led us to think about the malaise in our current institutions in order to try to determine if there are distinct external factors in each zone that influence this malaise, as well as to focus on the cause of the malaise, by trying to show the discourse that has been established in this or that situation. On the basis of these questions, possible methods of intervention have been considered.

Finally, ¿how do the emergencies of a time and place affect a Forum, and what are the consequences for the School? These are some of the questions of our School that resonate with our questions about the subjectivity of our contemporary world.

1. Presentation of the LIPP and its means of diffusion. Stella Casanova
2. Politics, semblance, and discourses: affects and effects. Devra Simiu
3. The politics of psychoanalysis: a countercurrent politics? Clara Cecilia Mesa
4. Psychoanalysis and knowledge. Maria Koukoumaki, Mohamed Kadarikoumaki, Mohamed Kadari

2 may : School meeting – « Knowledge and ignorance in the passage to the analyst »

Amphitheatre Lavoisier (Simultaneous translation English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese


9:00 ->OPENING
Carolina Zaffore (Argentina) and Dominique Fingermann (France)
Secretaries of the International College of the Guarantee

9:15 -10:45
Discussion: Martine Menès (France)
Elynes Barros AE (Brazil): What can you know from an analysis?
Rebeca Garcia (Spain): What resonates from an experience
Nicolas Bendrihen (France): The scar of chance effects?

10:45-11:15 : COFFEE BREAK

Discussion : Sandra Berta (Brazil)
Constanza Lobos AE (Argentina): Desiring a holed knowledge
Anne Marie Combres (France): Passing point ?
Mikel Plazaola (Spain): Effects of the passage between ignorance and knowledge 


Discussion : Teresa Trias (Spain)
Dimitra Kolonia AE (France): Surprises of the end 
Marie-José Latour (France): Working for the uncertain
Ana Laura Prates Pacheco (Brazil): With the window open for the pass

Discussion: Didier Castanet (France)
Christelle Suc AE (France): From the lucubration to the unthinkable: anything new?
Armando Cote (France): The praise of not knowing and its relationship with truth 
Carolina Zaffore(Argentina):What is didactic in the passage to the analyst? 

17:15 -17.45->PUNCTUATIONS
Anastasia Tzavidopoulou (France)
Colette Soler (France)

3 & 4 may : International « Rendez-vous » – « Anxiety, how to make it speak ? »

5 may : General assemblies of the if and the school

8h : Accueil/signature
9h-13h : AG de l’IF (4h) 
13h-14h30 : Déjeuner
14h30-17h30 : AG de l’Ecole


Scientific Commission

Patrick Barillot (Head of RVI), Sandra Berta, Roser Casalprim Maresch, Nadine Cordova, Gabriel Lombardi, Diego Mautino, Beatriz Maya, Carmelo Scuderi, Marc Strauss, Anna Wojakowska-Skiba.

Organisation Commission

Cathy Barnier, Bernard Brunie, Aurélie Caulier, Dominique Champroux, Nadine Cordova (Head of organisation), Frédérique Decoin-Vargas, Séverine Derrey, Nathalie Dollez, Alexandre Faure, Patrica Gavilanes, Dimitra Giannaka, Céline Guégan-Casagrande, Carole Leymarie, Fernando Martínez (Argentina), Lucile Mons, Tania Navarro, Kristèle Nonnet-Pavois, Claire Parada, Michèle Paperman, Jose Alejandro Pérez Betancur, Christine Silbermann, Irène Tu Ton, Anastasia Tzavidopoulou, Angélique Walter.